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The West needs to produce more critical minerals. Here’s how the Pentagon should help

Geological and technological obstacles will require subsidies to overcome.

Defense Systems

Pentagon bets $480m on AI-fueled intel platform

Starting June 1, a Palantir system will bring enhanced intelligence data to the Joint Staff and combatant commands.

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Federal Research in the AI Era: Transforming Speed & Scale in Discovery

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The Navy wants to crowdsource innovation

CTO urges the Navy Department to hold more “structured challenges” to spur breakthroughs.

Science & Tech

China’s effort to take over Taiwan without firing a shot

How influence operations, cyber-weapon hoarding, and intimidation factor into China’s Taiwan play.



F-35 crash shrinks a tiny test fleet under stress

Congress and GAO were already worried about having enough test jets to handle planned upgrades.

Science & Tech

Across the Army, units lean into drone experimentation

In division after division, soldiers are learning to use a rising wave of robots and other unmanned systems.


A new breakthrough could deepen US troops' dependence on Chinese batteries

The Qingdao Institute reports a new manufacturing technique that enables cells to charge quicker and age slower.

Defense Systems

Space Force inches closer to classified remote work

The platform could be a popular remote-work solution for Space Systems Command.

Science & Tech

Losing hearts and minds: The desperate state of US influence operations

The United States is surrendering ground to Russia and China’s propaganda machines. That has key officials increasingly worried.


Should Cyber Force become the next service?

The House will vote on a proposal to study the question as part of the 2025 defense authorization bill.


US plan may boost NATO arms production for Ukraine

Money would also go toward Ukrainian defense industry and undercutting Russian arms sales.

Science & Tech

First Replicator drones already in Indo-Pacific, DOD says

It’s a first for “warfighter-centric innovation,” says deputy defense secretary.


Lawsuit alleges contractors lied about V-22’s safety

The suit, filed by the families of Marines killed in a 2022 crash, says the tiltrotor aircraft don’t meet government safety specifications.